Sister Susan Seeby
Sister Susan is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes. Currently she serves on the leadership team for the congregation. The congregation joined Glacial Lakes as a partner in 2021 when they placed their 233 acres of land into a Conservation Easement. For more than 160 years the Sisters tended this land by: Caring for the soil through farming and gardening Protecting the woodlands Preserving the integrity of springs and streams Conserving the Niagara Escarpment Maintaining open prairies to preserve native wildflowers, plants and grasses Installing solar panels which generate clean energy Nurturing forest plants and wildlife Caring for creation is an urgent responsibility, Pope Francis wrote in Laudato Si’ (2015). In response, the Sisters of St. Agnes intensified their commitment to sustainability by adopting a corporate stance to Care for Earth (2016). In 2017, the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes voted to begin the process of preserving their property for future generations completing this goal with the conservation easement. Also in 2021, the sisters completed the move to solar energy at their congregational headquarters in Fond du Lac by becoming 100% solar powered. “Considering our CSA Mission Statement, we may say that this conservancy, too, will bring about a manifestation of our Mission in our world for those who take the time to come and see the prairies, the wetlands, and the woods teeming with life. The Conservation Easement journey has had many steps, and each of us in CSA has participated along the way. From the careful environmental considerations during the construction of the motherhouse in 2000, to the building of hermitages, planting and maintenance of prairies and woods throughout the years, gardening in the raised beds and now with our partnership with GLC, we hope to share with future generations this land which we have been graced to call our home.” Sister Susan |