Joe & Rita's Acres County: Sheboygan
Lot size: 39 acres Established: 03/14/2016 |
Property Story
On Monday, March 14, 2016, Joseph A. DiFrances donated a conservation easement to Glacial Lakes Conservancy on his property in the Town of Rhine in Sheboygan County. Joe's father originally purchased the property in 1963 in order to transform a sandy stretch of land into a haven for trees and wildlife. Joe has continued his father's passion and continues to plant and care for a wide variety of trees and vegetation. The property is located in the Mullet River watershed and abuts the LaBudde Creek State Fishery Area to the west. A restored sand and gravel operation with 2 ponds, it consists mostly of upland oak-hickory dry prairie community with the southern part of the property consisting mostly of wet woodland, relatively natural area.
This property provides rich and diverse habitats communities including upland oak-hickory dry prairie and wet woodlands. Large and small mammals, birds, insects, and amphibians use the area. Sand coreopsis and Marbleseed are both found on the property in the dry sands of the property. Badgers, fischers, wild turkeys and pileated woodpeckers have been seen on the property and likely use the area for breeding. The restored sunny acres contain big bluestem, prairie dropseed, dwarf liatris, gray headed coneflower, black cherry, paper birch, ironwood, slippery elm, and many other species. The wet woods contain black ash, speckled alder, bur oak, Pagoda dogwood, wood anemone, marsh marigold and other species.
This property provides rich and diverse habitats communities including upland oak-hickory dry prairie and wet woodlands. Large and small mammals, birds, insects, and amphibians use the area. Sand coreopsis and Marbleseed are both found on the property in the dry sands of the property. Badgers, fischers, wild turkeys and pileated woodpeckers have been seen on the property and likely use the area for breeding. The restored sunny acres contain big bluestem, prairie dropseed, dwarf liatris, gray headed coneflower, black cherry, paper birch, ironwood, slippery elm, and many other species. The wet woods contain black ash, speckled alder, bur oak, Pagoda dogwood, wood anemone, marsh marigold and other species.