Our History
Glacial Lakes Conservancy, Inc. is a private, non-profit land conservation organization. The original founders saw that during the 1990s, approximately 8,000 rural acres were subdivided for residential purposes in the unincorporated areas of Sheboygan County alone, prompting a deep concern for the future of our region’s lands and waters.
This realization prompted the founding of the Sheboygan Area Land Conservancy in 1996. Originally, this was an all volunteer organization with a goal of serving to protect and preserve natural areas and farmland within the Sheboygan Country area in Wisconsin.
In January 2005, Glacial Lakes Conservancy (renamed in 2004), expanded its coverage area northward to Kewaunee County. This was accomplished by merging with The Rural Land Legacy Committee of Kewaunee County, an active local group dedicated to preserving farmland, natural areas, and undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline.
Today, the land trust offers land conservation options, organizational support, and technical guidance to landowners and organizations in a five-county region: Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Kewaunee, Calumet and Fond du Lac. GLC owns five properties: William F. Christel Woods and Wetlands Preserve, Grasshopper Hill Preserve, Charles & Winifred Spring West Twin River Preserve, Willow Creek Preserve, the Hunner Preserve, and also holds 30 conservation easements.
Executive Director Jennifer Rutten, Land Director Miriam Duero, Land Project Coordinator Intern Ashley Muench and a dedicated, all-volunteer Board of Directors spearhead GLC’s land and water protection mission.
This realization prompted the founding of the Sheboygan Area Land Conservancy in 1996. Originally, this was an all volunteer organization with a goal of serving to protect and preserve natural areas and farmland within the Sheboygan Country area in Wisconsin.
In January 2005, Glacial Lakes Conservancy (renamed in 2004), expanded its coverage area northward to Kewaunee County. This was accomplished by merging with The Rural Land Legacy Committee of Kewaunee County, an active local group dedicated to preserving farmland, natural areas, and undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline.
Today, the land trust offers land conservation options, organizational support, and technical guidance to landowners and organizations in a five-county region: Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Kewaunee, Calumet and Fond du Lac. GLC owns five properties: William F. Christel Woods and Wetlands Preserve, Grasshopper Hill Preserve, Charles & Winifred Spring West Twin River Preserve, Willow Creek Preserve, the Hunner Preserve, and also holds 30 conservation easements.
Executive Director Jennifer Rutten, Land Director Miriam Duero, Land Project Coordinator Intern Ashley Muench and a dedicated, all-volunteer Board of Directors spearhead GLC’s land and water protection mission.
Effective October 1, 2024
Board Officers
Volunteer Directors serve on the GLC Board and are responsible for governance, fundraising, and strategic direction. Each member of our Board brings considerable experience in support of GLC. If you are interested in serving on the board or how that process works please contact us for more information.
Board Members