Winter Solstice 2022GLC welcomed 42 visitors for a Winter Solstice Celebration on the CSA conservation easement in Fond du Lac. Hailing from five different Wisconsin counties—Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Calumet, Milwaukee, and Fond du Lac—and a few visitors from Japan, the attendees celebrated the shortest night by exploring the CSA's conservation easement with GLC Volunteer Naturalist David Kuckuk.
Together the group learned about the gaits of "bounders" and "pacers," differentiated the tracks of buck and doe deer, identified native trees without the benefit of leaves, and explored the tunnel of North America's tiniest carnivorous mammal—the shrew. Back inside, sweet treats and hot cocoa helped everyone warm up in anticipation of sunset. While they waited, they could learn more about different conifer cones and owl pellets or just enjoy the company of others who appreciate and value Earth. GLC Director Jennifer Rutten and Willow Creek Preserve Project Manager Isabel Mueller offered remarks and Sister Janet Ahler marked the end of the event with a special prayer. |
Fall Migratory Birding Hike at Willow Creek PreservePart of WI Land Trust Days 2022
Members of the community joined GLC staff on October 8, 2022, on our two northernmost preserves, Charles and Winifred Spring, West Twin River Preserve and Hunner Preserve, to enjoy the changing landscape. Despite the southwest wind, the group participated in The Big Sit, a global birding event, and observed 30 species of birds throughout the day. GLC staff led guided hikes at each preserve, a local poet, Jody Kuchar, read the group some of her nature poems, and the day wrapped up with a cheese and wine pairing from local vendors. Saturday Drives, as events such as this are called in our community, are a GLC tradition started by GLC’s founders. The day’s activities were an exciting way to honor GLC’s history, to conclude our 2022 WI Land Trust Days events, and to look forward to preserving and protecting land and water forever. |
Nature Hike on the Wild 80
Part of WI Land Trust Days 2022
The morning of September 17, 2022 saw a packed private GLC Conservation Easement hike at Elsner Wild 80 in the town of Lyndon. Landowners Barbara, Kate and Mike were on hand to share their heartwarming family stories on how their family acquired and conserved this beautiful prairie, forest and kettle land. It's storytelling like this morning that brings everyone back to the connection of the land. We appreciate their hard work restoring and maintaining this precious resource forever. |
Bird Hike at Willow Creek PreservePart of WI Land Trust Days 2022
Seth Cutright from Moraine Shores Audubon lead our 2022 Land Trust Days birding hike at GLC'S Willow Creek Preserve on August 27, 2022! Beautiful temps, no winds and bird of the day Blackpoll Warbler- migration is on to their wintering grounds in northern South America and the Caribbean! |
Meet the Pollinators on CSA Easement
Part of WI Land Trust Days 2022
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, a small crowd gathered in the prairie on the CSA conservation easement for the "Meet the Pollinators" event to hear from Jay Watson, a Wisconsin DNR Conservation Biologist. During their event, the group enjoyed learning about many beautiful pollinators and plants, including the starting off the day with a sighting of one beautiful endangered female Rusty Patched Bumble Bee. The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is listed as Federally Endangered and State Special Concern, is extremely rare in Wisconsin, and is considered both state- and globally-imperiled. In total, the group observed at least 8 species of bumble bees—affinis, rufocinctus, griseocollis, fervidus, auricomus, vagans, impatiens, and citrinus. "This is a new location for Rusty Patch Bumble Bee in state," said Watson. "Having the Ledge provides great nesting area in the woody zones and a wonderful mix of resources throughout all of the seasons in the prairies and wetlands close by." In addition to the female spotted during the event, two males (one pictured here) were also identified earlier the previous week. The closest other area where they are found regularly is Oakfield Ledge State Natural Area, which is more than 20 miles away, indicating that the group seen on CSA property is likely its own nest. In addition to bumble bees, the group also learned about the values and benefits provided by wasps, hornets, goldenrod solider beetles, moths, fritillaries, and butterflies, and the plants that allow them to thrive and create a healthy ecosystem. |
Sunset Yoga at Willow Creek Preserve
Part of WI Land Trust Days 2022
On August 17, 2022, 25 nature lovers came together to stretch, breathe, and be guided by yoga master Allison Wallner. The weather was perfect; the prairie was like a big hug. Blending nature, conservation, and Land Trust Days was the perfect way to end a busy day. Thank you all for coming and supporting GLC. |
Meet the Pollinators on Bella Terra Easement
and trust days have kicked off with GLC! We were lucky enough to dodge the rain and thunder yesterday at our first Land Trust Days event of this year—a pollinator hike at one of our private
conservation easements, Bella Terra. Community members gathered and learned about the importance of pollinator diversity and their prairie plants, and then went into the field to explore and observe pollinators. We found moths, butterflies, and at least 4 species of bumblebees, including three endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bees! It ended up being a beautiful hike! |
25 year celebration!
Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate and left engaged and happy! Saturday, October 9, 2021 was an incredible success bringing together GLC founders, staff, members, volunteers, donors and community! Thank you to premier sponsor Festival Foods and to Johnsonville for the food.
Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate and left engaged and happy! Saturday, October 9, 2021 was an incredible success bringing together GLC founders, staff, members, volunteers, donors and community! Thank you to premier sponsor Festival Foods and to Johnsonville for the food.
Bird Banding with Bill Volkert
On September 25th at 8 am, a small group joined bird expert, Bill Volkert, to observe the catching and banding of birds. Bill is a federally licensed master bird bander, with the Bird Banding Laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey and has been studying birds for 40 years. In addition, he has worked as a Naturalist and Wildlife Educator for nearly 30 years. Bill has been a recipient of a long list of awards and has published many papers, articles and books. Bill and his wife, Connie, steward a 5 acre property that they call the Birchwood Lake Nature Preserve, in the northern Kettle Moraine area that they worked with Glacial Lakes Conservancy to protect by establishing a conservation easement in 2014.
Pollinator Walk at Bella Terra
On August 8th at 1 pm, the owners of Bella Terra are hosted another pollinator walk led by two Milwaukee Parks Naturalists, Brooke Gilley and Jen Lazewski. It was a beautiful day to be outside learning about pollinators and the plants they use. A group of 32 walked through the established prairie and spotted an endangered rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis), a listed endangered species. Bella Terra is a perfect example of "if you give them a space, they will come."
Mindfulness Walk at Willow Creek Preserve
Rachel Haas (she/her/hers) from Mental Health America of Sheboygan County led a small group on August 4, 2021 through Willow Creek Preserve. Rachel showed the group strategies to relax while using our senses to be present in the moment. From kids to older adults, we all can use these skills to decompress from our jobs, school, or just every day life.
June 12-June 19, 2021
was a huge success because of YOU!
Our second virtual auction was a great success to help raise funds to help GLC protect and preserve land and water resources. With all of the help of bidders, winners, volunteers, sponsors and in-kind donors we raised over $24,000. Thank you GLC community! Volunteers will be delivering your items on Friday June 25th. If you would like to pick them up Friday June 25th at GLC please email us at [email protected] to arrange a time.
June 12-June 19, 2021
was a huge success because of YOU!
Our second virtual auction was a great success to help raise funds to help GLC protect and preserve land and water resources. With all of the help of bidders, winners, volunteers, sponsors and in-kind donors we raised over $24,000. Thank you GLC community! Volunteers will be delivering your items on Friday June 25th. If you would like to pick them up Friday June 25th at GLC please email us at [email protected] to arrange a time.
Thank you to the following lead event sponsors:
Forest Keeper Windway Capital Corp Water Guardians John Durbrow & Karen Steingraber Prairie Protectors: Mary Kohl & Randy Brotz Dr. Adel Korkor Miller Engineers & Scientists Rhode Dales LLP Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Wealth Mgmt, Lakefront Group Other Sponsors: Baird - The Le Clair Bemis Miller Group Erlien Jewelers Eleanor Jung Mary Kohl and Fran Steffes Kohler Credit Union Sheboygan Paint Company John Stoltenberg Bill & Pat Tedeschi |
Thank you to our in-kind donors!
5th Annual Winter Solstice Celebration at Kay's Ledge
December 21, 2020 |
Wonder of Winter
at Gooseville Creek Preserve February 13, 2021 |
Thank you Steve Victor and his daughter Liz Victor for sharing the beauty of the family property on the ledge of the Niagara Escarpment and hosting the 5th annual Winter Solstice celebration.
On a chilly winter afternoon, 11 people braved the snow and below zero wind chills to cross country ski and snowshoe with us on Gooseville Creek Preserve. It started out very cold but once we all started moving and we were able to enjoy the views, the smiles started shining through. We are thankful to Bill and Ann for allowing us to enjoy their property and share it with our members.
The Glacial Lakes Jay Watchers team
On Saturday, October 10th, birders of all experience levels were encouraged to visit our public preserves and record bird sightings and enter data into eBird as part of the Great Wisconsin Birdathon 2020. Six birders met at the Willow Creek Preserve that morning and together they identified 31 bird species. The most exciting discoveries included a great horned owl perched in a tree taking a nap in the sun, and black-throated green warblers.
A Restorative Tapestry - a walking presentation
was held on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 2020
(originally scheduled for Sept. 12th)
John Durbrow, landowner and founder of the Van Der Brohe Arboretum in Two Rivers, WI led guests through the property and spoke about the carefully and artistically designed vision for the future of the land. This fallow golf course will become an arboretum, migratory bird sanctuary, art park, and education center for all to enjoy.
In partnership with Mental Health America of Sheboyogan
Morning Mindfulness at the Willow Creek Preserve
Saturday, September 26th, 2020
Trisha, Director of Mental Health and Advocacy at Mental Health America (MHA) in Sheboygan County, and Alex, a certified and licensed yoga teacher and health coach, led a morning of mindfulness in nature. Forest bathing exercises and nature inspired gentle yoga were practiced in the beautiful Willow Creek Preserve.
Registration donations benefited both MHA and Glacial Lakes Conservancy.
Alex began her yoga journey in the late 1990s and became a teacher in 2007. Her background is in Anusara yoga, an alignment-based, heart-centered practice. Alex believes that along with the physical postures of yoga, the mental, emotional and spiritual practices are just as important. Over the years, her teaching has become more meditative and philosophical. She is also a teacher of Ayurveda, yoga's off-the-mat practices of diet, lifestyle and well-being.
Trisha has had a passion for working with children and youth for as long as she can remember. She graduated with a degree in social work from UW-Whitewater (Go Warhawks!) in 2008, and decided to continue her education by pursuing a Master's degree, which she earned in 2016. As the Education Program Coordinator at MHA, Trisha is able to pursue her dream of working with youth by educating students in Sheboygan County about a variety of mental health topics, including awareness, prevention, and stigma elimination. As a mindful classroom instructor, Trisha is able to share mindfulness with students in our area, teaching them valuable skills in order to focus, stay calm, self-regulate, and boost self-esteem.
Registration donations benefited both MHA and Glacial Lakes Conservancy.
Alex began her yoga journey in the late 1990s and became a teacher in 2007. Her background is in Anusara yoga, an alignment-based, heart-centered practice. Alex believes that along with the physical postures of yoga, the mental, emotional and spiritual practices are just as important. Over the years, her teaching has become more meditative and philosophical. She is also a teacher of Ayurveda, yoga's off-the-mat practices of diet, lifestyle and well-being.
Trisha has had a passion for working with children and youth for as long as she can remember. She graduated with a degree in social work from UW-Whitewater (Go Warhawks!) in 2008, and decided to continue her education by pursuing a Master's degree, which she earned in 2016. As the Education Program Coordinator at MHA, Trisha is able to pursue her dream of working with youth by educating students in Sheboygan County about a variety of mental health topics, including awareness, prevention, and stigma elimination. As a mindful classroom instructor, Trisha is able to share mindfulness with students in our area, teaching them valuable skills in order to focus, stay calm, self-regulate, and boost self-esteem.
Butterfly Walk at Bella Terra
Sunday August 9, 2020
GLC's 2nd annual Butterfly Walk at Bella Terra Conservation Easement on Aug. 9th was attended by a small, but enthusiastic group. Guests enjoyed learning about Monarch butterflies and other pollinators and meandering the prairies to observe birds, butterflies, blooms and other things of beauty. It was a very pleasant day to be outside and it was nice to see some friendly faces.
Online Auction Party!
June 24-28, 2020
June 24-28, 2020
GLC will be holding our very first virtual auction! We have received many generous donations from local artists, restaurants, retailers, and other businesses. You have a chance to win valuable and one-of-a-kind items, all from the comfort of home! Register now by clicking the button below and view available auction items and start planning what you want to bid on. Check back often as new items are being added daily! Bidding opens at 6 am on Wednesday, June 24th. Mark your calendars!
Thank you to the following event sponsors... |
and in-kind donors!
Make a contribution of $100 or more,
and we will show our thanks with flowers delivered right to your door (or a doorstep of your choice)!
Make a contribution of $100 or more,
and we will show our thanks with flowers delivered right to your door (or a doorstep of your choice)!
~Makes a great Mother's Day gift for a special mom in your life, or a "just to brighten your day" surprise for someone who needs it
(I think we all know someone who needs uplifting right now...maybe that's YOU)~
(I think we all know someone who needs uplifting right now...maybe that's YOU)~
With any donation of $100 or more*, a volunteer from GLC will deliver a basket of mixed flowers, herbs, or succulents to your front door!
Deliveries can be made anywhere within our five-county service area (Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Calumet, Kewaunee, or Fond du Lac County).
Date of delivery will be May 8/9 (before Mother's Day!).
Containers and plants will vary.
Social distancing will be respected. Need not be present day of delivery.
*Flower baskets limited to the first 50 donors

Learn about the Van Der Brohe Arboretum project - one of GLC's newest conservation easements
A Restorative Tapestry - Presentation...HAS BEEN CANCELED
Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2020
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Maywood - 3615 Mueller Rd. Sheboygan, WI 53083
A Restorative Tapestry - Presentation...HAS BEEN CANCELED
Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2020
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Maywood - 3615 Mueller Rd. Sheboygan, WI 53083
An Arboretum? An Art Park? A Migratory Bird Sanctuary? Yes! Van Der Brohe Arboretum weaves many ecological goals into its re-development of a 65 acre former golf course in Two Rivers, WI. A network of public trails creates a setting of parterres which feature display forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, thickets, food plots, and art installations. Trail intersections form “Franciscan Gardens”, designed to maximize both amenity and avian support.
Join Mr. John Durbrow as he leads you through the planning process and describes how multiple layers of restorative activity are overlaid to accentuate the value of this unique open space. Actual construction will begin in Spring of 2020, with the installation of the trails. Thereafter, public involvement in seeding and plantings will bind VDBA into the community fabric as it evolves into an ecological landscape.
Join Mr. John Durbrow as he leads you through the planning process and describes how multiple layers of restorative activity are overlaid to accentuate the value of this unique open space. Actual construction will begin in Spring of 2020, with the installation of the trails. Thereafter, public involvement in seeding and plantings will bind VDBA into the community fabric as it evolves into an ecological landscape.
Bird Banding with Bill -has been cancelled
Willow Creek Preserve
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Willow Creek Preserve
Saturday, May 9, 2020
You don't want to miss this! - Join us out on the Willow Creek Preserve with bird expert, Bill Volkert and observe the catching and banding of birds. Bill is a federally licensed master bird bander, with the Bird Banding Laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey and has been studying birds for 40 years. In addition, he has worked as a Naturalist and Wildlife Educator for nearly 30 years. Bill has been a recipient of a long list of awards and has published many papers, articles and books. Bill and his wife, Connie, steward a 5 acre property that they call the Brichwood Lake Nature Preserve, in the northern Kettle Moraine area that they worked with Glacial Lakes Conservancy to protect by establishing a conservation easement in 2014.
Learn more about the Birchwood Preserve at
Learn more about Bill at
Learn more about the Birchwood Preserve at
Learn more about Bill at
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Guests enjoyed the opportunity to meander around a beautiful private property on the ledge of the Niagara Escarpment!
The first day of winter greeted us all with unseasonably mild conditions. It was a beautiful day for a Solstice hike where guests were able to enjoy the view of Lake Winnebago and explore the spring fed creek in the woods. An inviting campfire, warm beverages, and chili accompanied the evening followed by a stunning sun set scene to close the event.
Thank you to the Victor's for sharing the beauty of the land and hosting this always wonderful annual event.
Thank you to the Victor's for sharing the beauty of the land and hosting this always wonderful annual event.
Willow Creek Land Celebration
September 28th, 2019
What a beautiful day and amazing turnout we had to celebrate Glacial Lakes Conservancy's acquisition of the Willow Creek Preserve in the City of Sheboygan! This 143 acre property includes diverse wetland and upland habitats and a stretch of the Willow Creek, a 5 mile tributary to the Sheboygan River. The unique features of this land will now be protected in perpetuity for current and future generations to enjoy.
We are so thankful for the support and excitement generated for the protection of ths property. We hope that many of you will visit the preserve and find ways to personally connect to it. We also hope that you will stay engaged as the restoration of the land evolves. Stay tuned! |
Wildcrafting Workshop
Saturday, September 7th 2019
Saturday, September 7th 2019
Wild food and medicine are often overlooked, underappreciated, and misunderstood. Foraging expert John Holzwart, from Plant Based Services lead nearly 50 participants on a low-impact hike through a conserved property along the Pigeon River in the town of Sheboygan. He taught us how to recognize some of the free and abundant nourishment and remedies that nature provides and how to sustainably harvest them. What a beautiful day and a great turnout!
Learn more about John Holzwart and his business Plant Based Services, LLC by visiting his website or by watching the video provided below ( forward to 13 min. 30 sec. to see John Holzwart highlighted in the episode). |
Volunteer Appreciation Event
Members Event ~ Butterfly hike
Generously hosted by the landowners of the Bella Terra Conservation Easement August 11th, 2019 It was a beautiful day for a hike through an established prairie on conserved land in the the town of Sheboygan. Butterfly expert, Mary Thorne led the hike that included children and adults of all ages. She pointed out the many plants and blooming flowers in the prairie and explained how they benefit the butterflies various life cycle needs. After the hike she had examples of all the life stages of a monarch butterfly. Some children even took home a caterpillar or a chrysalis to look after and observe the process of metamorphosis! There were only two requirements...1) you must give it a name, and 2) you must release it when it hatches.
"Neeskay" the UWM Freshwater Sciences research vessel
offered tours on
Friday, August 2nd, 2019
Over 300 attended!
Neeskay is the one and only research vessel that explores our Great Lakes year-round! Its name derives from the language of the Ho-Chunk, a Wisconsin Native American tribe, and it means “pure, clean water” — our vision for the Great Lakes.
Before the Neeskay was reconstructed as a research vessel, it was an Army T-boat used for tug and transport duties in the Korean War. It has powered scientific expeditions around the lakes since 1970 and allows UWM students, faculty and scientists to focus on answering fundamental questions essential to the successful management of this crucial resource. |
Our Annual Dinner Auction & Membership Meeting
on Sunday, May 5, 2019 was our best event yet!
Thank you all!
on Sunday, May 5, 2019 was our best event yet!
Thank you all!
Thank you to our 2019 Membership Meeting & Dinner Auction event sponsors and in-kind contributors:
Tree Planting Days ~ Point Creek Natural Area
May 3 & 4, 2019
Over 2,000 trees have been planted!
Thank you to all who raised funds, organized the project, and volunteered your time to put trees in the ground! Future generations thank you as well!
May 3 & 4, 2019
Over 2,000 trees have been planted!
Thank you to all who raised funds, organized the project, and volunteered your time to put trees in the ground! Future generations thank you as well!
The above pictures depict the pine plantation at Point Creek Natural Area before the timber harvest (left), after the 2018 timber harvest (center), and after the 2019 tree planting (right).
2018 Winter Solstice Celebration at Kay's Ledge
December 21, 2018 More than two dozen people attended the celebration of the Winter Solstice at Kay's Ledge in Fond du Lac. Adults and children alike enjoyed exploring the land, eating warm chili, sipping on warm beverages, and gathering around an inviting fire. Thank you to Steve Victor (GLC board member) for hosting this event and sharing the beauty of your land with the public! Also, thank you to Liz Victor for helping to organize and host as well!
2nd Annual Sunday Drive Event!
October 14th, 2018 |
Fall Land Walk!
September 15th, 2018 |
Below: watch an introductory video to the how's and why's of land conservation...